Monday, August 10, 2009

Will an Error Loose (sic) You the Job?

Without a doubt! Don’t lose out on a job because you are loose with your spelling and grammar standards. Take the time to follow these steps before sending out a resume, email or letter:

1. Use spell check. It will catch the most obvious errors, but don’t stop there.
2. Read it through word for word. Spell check can’t tell whether “lose” or “loose” is the correct word. Same thing goes for words like “their” and “there” and many others.
3. Reread after making your corrections…to make sure you did them right.
4. If you are not detail-oriented or you are prone to overlooking small errors, ask a friend or family member to read your letter or resume for you.

Also, if you followed my previous recommendation to customize your resume and cover letter to the specifications in the job announcement, you should take extra measures to check for errors you may have introduced along the way. Never assume that your last version was perfect.

Avoid a negative outcome by being positive that what you send an employer is spotless.

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