So on this journey called Job Search, those same basics apply.
You can keep your tires fully inflated with support from a variety of sources – friends, family, former colleagues, bosses, neighbors, association colleagues and strangers with a variety of backgrounds. They can all be your eyes and ears on the ground, watching out for the opportunity for you to use the skills, experience and unique attributes that make you the ideal person for the job!
The gas tank provides the energy for you to reflect, connect and serve others as well as yourself every day of this journey. Are you running on fumes or do you regularly take a break, and regenerate yourself? Eat right, exercise, spend some quiet time each day celebrating the successes you have had and being grateful for the support you got yesterday. And, slow down so that you can be aware of what is going on around you, take the time to connect with people, and look for signs of opportunity along the way!
And most importantly, set your GPS on a destination that is worth your time and effort, and stay on track in the pursuit of that goal! It is easy to get derailed, but the rewards are found when you keep up the search for that opportunity that will allow you to share your strengths, to be appreciated for your gifts, and to replenish your energy supplies every day!
Pegotty Cooper is a Leadership & Career Strategy Coach who regularly coaches association professionals at the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Annual Meeting. Click here for more information about coaching available in Toronto mid-August. You can reach her through www.leadershipsoundingboard.com.
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