Monday, August 3, 2009

An A for Effort—The Customized Resume Rises to the Top

Think like a recruiter or hiring official just the way a marketer tries to think like a customer. Would you want to look through a pile of generic (boring) resumes or would your eyes light up if you saw a resume that directly addresses the key components of the job description?

It’s basic in marketing to target your message to your audience. When you are job hunting, your audience is your ticket to getting in the door for an interview. The person receiving and reading your resume is your customer. You need to show that above all others you are the right one for the job. Even the federal government requires you to target your resume to a specific job’s requirements, so why not do the same in the private sector too?

It’s so easy to create a resume and use it over and over…but will it get you results? Why not take the time—yes, it takes time—to customize your resume and increase your chances of making it to the top of the heap? It’s time well spent.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cynthia,

    Great blog!

    It is amazing the changes that have taken place with respect to resumes over the years. Although the fundamentals remain the same the doors have opened to more customized resumes and more targetted resumes to prove to the companies out there that you know your stuff, and have researched the position and company.

    Today with the Internet and the wealth of resources out there - it's easy, and it would be a shame if prospective candidates didn't do some basic research.


