Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Resumes Are Shape Shifters

There are many schools of thought on how many versions of your resume you should create.

There are those who declare that one version is all you need. Others say you should have one to three well-written, accurate resumes that are targeted to the types of job you are seeking, if they have different requirements. Still others propose that you create multiple resumes, especially if you are attending job fairs or posting your resume on searchable job boards—to be ready for anything that comes up.

But I’ve heard it straight from two local D.C. HR professionals that in order to stand out today, you should customize for each job application. In other words, make your resume fit the job. Naturally, that doesn’t mean to make things up. What it does mean is:

1. Read the job description carefully.
2. Find the key words that describe the requirements and responsibilities of the position.
3. Insert those key words where they belong in your resume (and also your cover letter).
4. Highlight specifically what you offer that the employer is seeking.

Here are a couple of articles on the topic of resumes and versions:

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