RESUME—Your resume is the most obvious resource, and it is one that should be addressed quickly and updated constantly, even when you are still employed. Seek out some expert advice on your resume content and format, and make sure it has not one single error in it.
SUCCESSES—Have you thought about your achievements, i.e. what you have done that you can call a success? Write up short success stories while you can still remember the details. Be sure to include data, if you can quantify your accomplishments. Being able to tell “your story” will come in handy in letters and interviews. Highlighting your achievements on your resume will draw attention to the value you offer.
KUDOS—Save any congratulatory messages or recognition that you may have received for successful projects or outcomes. Have them ready and at your fingertips when you write a cover letter or prepare for an interview.
AWARDS—Won any in recent years? If so, add them to your resume and your online profile.
PORTFOLIO—Depending on your career line, a portfolio may take different forms. In any case, it should be visual, showing documents, products or charts and graphs that showcase your skills and best efforts. You can post your portfolio on a personal website, but you should also have PDFs ready. (Recently, I saw a job announcement that specified “no links” for writing samples submitted with resumes.) In other words, keep your options open.
These resources will be covered in more detail in upcoming posts.
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