Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back in the Job Market After a Long Time?

If you were laid off from a job you’d had for many years, as many people have been, you probably had a rude awakening when you realized that job hunting had changed dramatically since your last foray into it. Here’s what you found:
  • Newspaper listings were nearly extinct.
  • Online listings were overwhelming.
  • Jobs were scarcer and more competitive than ever.
  • New security measures blocked the possibility of knocking on company doors.
  • Your old chronological resume was out of touch with today’s requirements.
  • Job fairs drew thousands of hopefuls who stood in lines for hours.
  • Networking had become the way to find jobs.
  • Online networking (LinkedIn, FaceBook, etc.) had become mainstream.
It probably seemed daunting. The question is what did you do about it?

Many people turn to helpful organizations such as 40Plus, a Washington D.C. support group for the older, experienced jobseeker. 40Plus provides free weekly speaker sessions on job hunting topics and a set of courses for those who pay, followed by ongoing peer support. Others turned to their alma maters or professional associations for advice. Career coaches, a fairly new cadre of professional advisors, offer one-to-one as well as group support. These are good places to start your reentry process.

With predictions of a better jobs outlook this year, being ready is paramount if you are going to be successful. Reaching out to learn how the new job market works lays the foundation for your new personal campaign.

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