Here are a couple of affordable, very active groups that sponsor area networking opportunities jobseekers should check out.
Washington Network Group—WNG is a membership group, but you don’t have to join to attend. Over time it will make sense to join so you can participate in networking at the nominal member rate of $20. Food is included at these evening events, and there is a cash bar. The group holds events specifically for professionals in government affairs, business, communications, technology and international fields, but they also hold events that bring them all together. Go to http://www.washingtonnetworkgroup.com/ for more information. WNG also offers an extensive online list of organizations for further networking.
Washington DC Connections—This is a group spawned on LinkedIn last April that has mushroomed into a network of more than 11,000 DC area professionals. It has 13 special interest subgroups as well. There are no membership dues, and events cost $20. Since it is part of LinkedIn, there is also an active online community, where members often post information for jobseekers. Go to the group’s LinkedIn pages for more details.
The general wisdom for jobseekers is that you won’t find a job sitting at home. So take advantage of all the opportunities around you to get out to meet new people, connect with those you’ve met before, and potentially open a niche for yourself that leads to a new job.
Thanks for the Washington DC Connections tip. I'll look for their next event. Lisa