Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cracking the Federal Job Puzzle

I’m reading a book on how to get a government job by expert Kathryn Troutman. It’s an excellent and comprehensive guidebook. The process of getting a federal job is a bit overwhelming…and very time consuming…but in the D.C. area, a federal job may be a good way to go, especially in today’s tricky job market.

Enjoying a bit of shade on the deck on a hot steamy June day, I started to follow the author’s suggested tactics. I ticked off all the agencies where I’d like to work and then the federal job titles that might fit me. Well, that was easy, and I felt a sense of accomplishment.

Next to do: see if there are any such jobs open, revise my resume to comply with government style, write some KSAs (haven’t figured out yet what these should look like, but they are essays about your knowledge, skills and abilities) and network. Oh yeah, simple...

…but, I’m told, very worthwhile, so I trudge on.

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