What makes you move, gives you a boost, charges your engines and makes you happy? Is there something you always wanted to do that you didn’t pursue? Is this your time, while you are between jobs, to try doing what makes your heart sing?
I met someone recently who is in his 50s and thinking of returning to dance, which he once pursued with passion. Now out of work and thinking of new options, he yearns to dance like he did when he was younger. I say, if the body is willing, why not?
For me, writing filled the creative gap left after I stopped performing as a dancer. I’ve always loved to write anyway. Words have been the cornerstone of most of my career, and writing is a transferrable skill should I shift away from marketing and communications. The most important aspect of writing, however, is the passion I feel for it. If you can find that passion again, it can set your whole life on a path to greater happiness.
Great post - I think passion is something we tend to put aside with daily life chores and employment. How important it is to be reminded to stop and feed one's passion to feel alive again.