Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10+ Portfolio Tips for Creative Professionals

If you’ve been out of the job market for a while—now thrust into it by a layoff or other job loss—your portfolio has likely been languishing on a shelf. Hopefully, you’ve been saving samples of your work in your recent jobs in case you needed them someday. Now is the time to dust off or replace your old presentation binder and start all over with a winning portfolio. Here are some tips to help you make your portfolio a tool for job hunting success:

  1. If your presentation binder is old and worn, buy a new one. Look for an attractive, professional one that will be durable, flexible and easy to carry.
  2. Research the types of materials produced by the employer. Ask in the phone interview what types of pieces they would like to see.
  3. Customize your portfolio to the organization’s needs and the job description.
  4. Make sure your portfolio contents are fresh, bright and interesting with no torn or spotted pieces.
  5. Organize your pieces by type or by employer, whichever seems most logical for your presentation.
  6. Put your award winners, if any, up front.
  7. If your work is online, do screen captures and print them. Explain what your role was and the outcome.
  8. Inquire ahead if you want the option of showing your portfolio in presentation slides or online, to make sure the employer’s office is equipped, particularly if you are interviewing with a group. Test your electronic presentation at home before arriving for the interview. Technical glitches can be spoilers.
  9. Time your presentation to no more than 10-15 minutes. Practice by showing it to a friend or family member.
  10. Talk about your work as you show it, relating how it fit into the business plan, what your role was and what the results were.
  11. Highlight any comprehensive projects you had and how you managed them.

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